

PFRANKMD™ Pigment Protocol treatments leverage the power of PICO Genesis™ and Clear & Brilliant Fraxel lasers for advanced non-invasive skin rejuvenation and resurfacing treatments. Based on specialized techniques developed by Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, a leading New York dermatologist, this exclusive PFRANKMD™ treatment can address melasma, hyperpigmentation, and sunspots. 


Uncover Your Glow with PICO Genesis™ Photorejuvenation

At PFRANKMD™ in Manhattan, our skin experts can help you revitalize your complexion. Our trained medical professionals create customized treatment plans to reduce the appearance of dark spots and discolorations. We often recommend PICO Genesis™ laser treatments to patients who are unhappy about skin discolorations that have been unresponsive to other treatments.

How Do Pigment Protocol Laser Treatments Work?

Pigment protocol treatments are personalized, employing specialized techniques to maximize the versatility and selective targeting of the Clear & Brilliant Fraxel and PICO Genesis™ lasers. The focused laser light energy penetrates the skin and breaks down pigmented areas. Because the laser produces a photochemical reaction rather than a thermal one, the treatment does not affect surrounding, healthy tissue. The result is a more even skin tone without the risk of damage.

PICO Genesis and Clear and Brilliant Candidates

Pico Genesis and Fraxel Clear & Brilliant Laser treatments both present distinct advantages for individuals with light to dark skin tones who are dealing with pigment spots and early signs of aging. These cutting-edge treatments offer a wide range of patients a minimally invasive pathway to skin rejuvenation.

Pico Genesis excels in its ability to effectively address pigment irregularities while maintaining compatibility with diverse skin tones, ensuring that individuals of all backgrounds can achieve a more even complexion. On the other hand, Fraxel Clear & Brilliant is renowned for its proficiency in tackling early signs of aging, such as fine lines and uneven skin texture, and is equally adaptable to various skin tones.

Furthermore, both treatments are celebrated for their minimal to no downtime, making them ideal choices for candidates seeking a convenient, low-impact approach to achieving a revitalized and youthful appearance. More than one treatment session may be needed to achieve or maintain desired results.

Pigment Protocol Consultation

The aesthetic healthcare providers at PFRANKMD will ensure your compatibility with treatment protocols. Following this assessment, they will create a personalized skin resurfacing and rejuvenation plan tailored to your specific skin concerns and color tone. This initial meeting will discuss your expectation of results and aesthetic goals and provide comprehensive information on the entire treatment process.

Schedule a Consultation

Discover the potential of Pigment Protocol treatments developed by Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank to address hyperpigmentation, sun damage and early signs of aging. All aesthetic procedures are performed by licensed medical professionals. Contact the PFRANKMD team today to schedule a consultation at our Fifth Avenue or West Village location in NYC.

Before & After’s

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